Sunday, 31 December 2017

2017 in Review

Well, so much for keeping this thing updated right?   Knew that would happen.  That said, let's see how I got on over the year with my resolutions.

2017 Hobby Resolutions
1 - Build and paint a 1500 point German Force for Konflict '47.  in 15mm.

Nope.  Got everything built and primed.  Painted about 3 Infantry.  Fail...
2 - Continue painting Microworld Beastmen for 6mm Warmaster to hit 2000+ points.

Managed this one, breaking the 2000 point barrier (thanks to double Dragon Ogres)  I really enjoyed doing these guys, although the Chariots were a bit fiddly, and look forward to expanding them, and at some point, painting up another army.

3 - Paint one of the 6 WARMACHINE Colossals or HORDES Gargantuans I have in my Backlog.

Knocked this one out the park, hell, I painted 2 in a month, and also did a 3rd (Storm Raptor) later in the year.  Easily transported armies be damned.
4 - Maintain a relatively tidy and clear games room.

Considering this a success as the room has seen a lot of gaming going on, so the table needs to be clear and the floor needs to be traversable.  Still a few boxes lying around, but it looks pretty good right now.
5 - Maintain Butcher's Guild being fully painted.

Fail.  Did 1 of 4 models.
6 - Organise and run a two day Warmahordes event,

Success!  Had a blast as one of my last official Pressgang events.  Definitely on the agenda for next year, bigger and better to boot.
7 - Play 6 different Board Games.

Pass.  Played Blood Rage, Chaos in the Old World, Battlore V2, Conan, Kaos Ball and Zombicide: Black Plague.
8 - Paint a Dark Elf army for Warband in 15mm. 

Nope.  Still in bits.
9 - Place in the top half (or at least top 2 thirds) at Welsh Masters for Warmahordes in May.

So I went 3-4 at Welsh and finished 70th of 128.  Seems...  well, it's a pass.
10 - Transfer my flip-top paint collection to dropper bottles.

Nope.  I did make a start and did all of the Base paints from the GW range, and made a start on the Layers.  One to continue.
11 - Paint 4-6pts of Normans for SAGA for the Falkirk District Wargames Club Campaign.

Pass.  Painted the bare minimum of 4pts, although I have another 3pts part done.  Hopefully get to them before the new rules are released.
12 - Play 6 New Opponents.

Pass.  Did this one early between SmogCon and the Warhammer event.
13 - Go to 2 Gaming Shows or Conventions.

But I only wanted one pack of bases...
Pass.  I did however miss both the Scottish shows because I was in Wales and Ireland for tournaments.
14 - Paint 20 Random Frostgrave Figures.

Nope.  Did 3 models. 
15 - Finish the Privateer Press Forum Painting challenge with Ironman Status (10+ pts painted every calendar month)

Well, I didn't maintain Ironman status, I stopped posting on the forums altogether after the PG announcement.  I did paint more than 120 points of WMH models, so...  half a point?

16 - Paint 2 new Warmahordes Battle boxes for demoing.

Nope.  I built the Troll box, but the PG being disbanded kinda knocked my enthusiasm (and need) for having more demo sets.

So...  9.5 out of 16.  It's more than half at least, so, I'm relatively happy with that.  There were other things done that weren't on the list, like painting the Deathguard half of the new 40k starter, and I suppose that counts for something, as well as having a lot more games at home.  As always, the dreaded Xbox draws a lot of my attention (hey, I did break 100k gamerscore) and it is something I probably need to reign in at times.

I've sorted out a list of resolutions for next year, and I'll get a post up tomorrow going over them in more detail.  Two days posts in a row, you lucky buggers.  (It is up on the homepage right now)

That's it for 2017, Lang may yer lum reek and arrabest for 2018.

