Back on track this week again, workbench has filled up to look like -
Busy busy busy |
So I've cleaned up the
Bang & Olafsson,
Southern Death Cult (with added rabble and zombies) and some
Peasant Militia, along with a wee Stone Golem and the upcoming kickstarter Troll/Ogre from Ral Partha Europe (Cheers Paul), plus the half pack of Grubs from
Four A Miniatures.
I figured the Southern Death Cult might make a cool 15mm Frostgrave Warband, plus, some random evil henchman types should certainly come in useful. I also really had to make a start on the Ogre as soon as he arrived, and I've based him up on a 60mm mdf base for 15mm gaming rather than a lipped one for 28mm+ games.
The fact that there is a whole host of new stuff up there can only mean one thing, and that is that I finished off the
Questing Heroes pack, and they have now made their way back safely to Ral Partha Europe.
Group shot? Okay then.
BE001 Questing Heroes - Blighthaven Encounter Pack (Ral Partha Europe) |
I'm going to take a guess at matching up the contents to the actual miniatures, and offer a little bit of information about the colour choices, as it is a lot more varied than the other packs I've painted up. Bear in mind that each of these pictures is going to show the miniatures at about 3-4 times their actual size.
Cleric | | |
I painted this guy up to match the Town Guard set, so that he can be used as a Wizard alongside them. I kept the linen and drab browns, along with the bright green as a spot colour.
Paladin |
Painted up to match the Empire Knights set, as yet another commander option. He shares the red livery, but has a purplish blue cloak to differentiate him a little. Shield transfer from
Veni Vidi Vici.
Elf Swordmaster | | |
The one thing I wanted to avoid with both Elf models was defaulting to the standard greens. Instead I went for a combination of blues and browns and creams, maybe more evocative of "High" Elves, and to tie them in with the rest of the party. I'm not sure spandex is suitable questing attire, but Elves, eh?
Elf Archer |
Likewise, the Archer is devoid of greens, and has a more muted colour scheme other than his cloak. Lots of cream and grey and brown to keep him with an earthy look.
Barbarian |
Pretty typical scheme, bare skin and furs. Nothing really to add.
Veteran Hero |
Love this big lunk. He is just crying out for a colour scheme reminiscent of an metal based Scottish carbonated beverage. I just couldn't resist doing a lit bit of gore on the head of his axe, I imagine he has some issues with restraint after losing his eye. Plus anyone that lives long enough in a fantasy world to have streaks showing in his beard probably knows a thing or two about violence.
Wildman Chieftain |
Again, quite a subdued figure given his character. Lots of creams and browns, with some bronze/gold detailing to denote his status. It looks well off in the picture, but is fine at arms length. Gotta love that big bone shoulder pad too.
Wizard |
Painted up to run as a spellcaster for the Empire Knights pack. Added the orange to the tabard to keep him relatively bright and contrast with his dark beard. I imagine him to be more of a combat caster than the Cleric figure, so the dark beard hopefully hides charcoal burns from errant fireballs.
Dwarf |
Red and Green combo for no other reason than I had been using them on the other warbands. Coupled with the white beard, he might give off a bit of a Christmas vibe, but it isn't blatantly obvious (well... it might be now...) Shield transfer once again from Veni Vidi Vici.
Armoured Dwarf |
So the only real difference between a Dwarf and an Armoured Dwarf is lack of nose. Classic steel heavy armour look, with a bright orange beard for contrast. There really isn't much else about this model, it is more than 90% armour and beard.
So that's that. All 3 warbands complete and sent back, along with the kickstarter figures, not bad going around general life. Plus I've made a start on some stuff for myself, plus I have 30 Cephalyx troopers and 3 Monstrosities to paint up for one of the Warmahordes guys, but that is supposed to be a super quick/basic job. Need to get them primed, as the basing material should be dry by now.
Beyond that, watched a game of L'Art de la Guerre at the club on Monday, or, truthfully, spent 2hrs learning about setting up the table and watching Gary roll lots of 1's in combat... Still, it is definitely a project for my Forged in Battle Gauls to be painted up for. I've also been working away at getting more of the Foundry Vikings cleaned up and based for my Saga/OG&M projects, but they are still to be primed.
That pretty much sums up the last week, hopefully I'll have made good headway with the Cephalyx by my next update, around work and replacing a garden fence.
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