Sunday 2 June 2019

Month in Review - May 2019

Well, I guessed I missed the April update...  and quite a few other posts...

It's been a strange time recently.  The good weather has forced me outside to do some much needed renovations on the garden, and I kinda lost my routine of hobbying.  I have a feeling that Assassins Creed Odyssey didn't help, after racking up well over 100hrs playtime in the first 3 weeks of owning it...

So...  numbers?

Sepulchral Guard (Warhammer Underworlds: Shadespire)

Since my last update I have played 11 games of Warmachine (2 before the Welsh Masters, 7 at Welsh, and 2 when we dropped in to the Durham Raiders club whilst visiting the in-laws)  Went 3-4 at Welsh (mainly due to a battery issue last round) but I'm okay with that having not played since Belgian Masters, and it was mainly a chance for me to try out the newer models that I'd painted up for it.


Paintingwise, I've done a unit of Chosen of Everblight for one of the Welsh lads, 2 Clockatrice, Baron Tonguelick and the King of Nothing for my Grymkin, and since Welsh, the Sepulchral Guard skeleton warband for Shadespire that I picked up when we were away.  It just so happened that I sprained/twisted my wrist setting up Carronade, so it put paid to painting up all the new Grymkin releases for a Bump list, but I'll get to them seeing as I did get the majority primed.

Ran APRIL FUEL DAZE 3! - 23 fully painted pairs of armies (and they said it couldn't be done) and as far as I'm aware, a good time was had by all.  Konrad retained his champion shield.  Possibly out of spite after mumbling about having to hand it back.

Went to Carronade - picked up Thud & Blunder, the SAGA Age of Magic rules and spell cards, the newest Copplestone 15mm packs (Ice Tribe Barbarian and Giant) and snagged a giant KR bag to hopefully house all of my Grymkin (it holds 4 standard cases).

So, the future...  I... don't know.  Genuinely, I have no real plan or direction right now, nothing to aim for (eyes #hobbyresolutions suspiciously)  I'm sitting here at 3am, listening to the rain, on my 3rd coffee in as many hours, as my sleeping pattern has been a nightmare recently, there is the 30+ Cephalyx models to get done for Sean, and they are currently joined with the new Grymkin releases that I'd managed to fight through pinning and priming, and a bunch of the Foundry Vikings that I'd primed but need a few touch ups on the underside.  The shelves by my desk are already crammed with other primed models, so, maybe getting as much built and primed was a bad idea (not sure based on weather).  So, I dunno, I'm sure I'll find something to batter on with.

Until next time,


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