Saturday, 31 March 2018

Month in Review March 2018

Well, here we are, a quarter of the way through the year already, it's going in quick.

So, how are things looking then?

1 - Transfer my flip-top paint collection to dropper bottles. (8/519)

Haven't done any this month.   May actually have made the problem worse as I realised when adding all of them to the paint app that there were a few I didn't have...

2 - Organise and run a two day Warmahordes event, (0/1)

Well, organization is going well.   Most of the prize support is ordered, just waiting on a couple of things, plus the trophies and awards.  Will be able to tick this off next month.



3 - Make £500 selling old models. (20/500)
Made £20 for some old warhammer models.  It's a start.  Did find a few Regiments of Renown and an old metal High Elf army whilst sorting stuff, so, hopefully can make a bit more if I can shift it.

4 - Maintain the Blog with weekly and monthly updates. (13/52 and 3/12)

On track with this, a couple of late updates, but, I'm OK with that, given my erratic sleep pattern.

5 - Go to 2 Gaming Shows or Conventions. (1/2)

None this month.  I expect Carronade in May will be the next and let me tick this off.

6 - Play 6 New Opponents. (5/6)

Getting there with adding another 3 this month, should be able to clear this by Welsh Masters in May.

7 - Play 100 Games (20/100)

Slightly lagging here, as I should be closer to 25 to be on track, however, the time invested in painting this year means I have a number of new toys to put on the table, so, theoretically, I can play more games now.

8 - Play 6 different Board Games. (3/6)

Halfway there already after adding Zombicide to the list.

9 - Play 3 New Games or New Editions of Rules (3/3)
8th edition 40k and Gaslands added to the list to clear this one.

10 - Paint 4pts of Normans for SAGA. (4/4pts, 21/28 models)

Finished this with my 2 units of Mounted Hearthguard and Levy, added to the Priest from last month.  The total is a bit off, as I did the Priest rather than a unit of crossbow armed warriors.

11 - Maintain Butcher's Guild being fully painted. (0/3 Models)

Nope.  Blocked in some of Veteran Ox's skin, but that's it.

12 - Paint remaining Deathguard for Warhammer 40,000 (0/50 Models)
Not got to these guys yet, although I did prime the remaining Poxwalkers.  She didn't help matters by buying me another character model.
13 - Paint Waiqar half of Runewars Miniatures Game Starter (0/26 Models)

Not got to these either.

14 - Paint a 15mm Hordes of the Things Army (14/14 Elements)

Was already done.  Do have a few more elements to add, as I miscalculated the original list, but it is still over 24AP.

15 - Paint a 75pt Warmahordes List (0/? Models)

Nope.   Been inundated with requests to build/paint models for people to borrow for AFD though...

16 - Paint the Hog Wild Malifaux box (6/6 Models)

Was already done.

So I currently have 6 models part done on the workbench, over half way with them as they've had all the base coats and wash done, and the highlights have been started.

There are another 24 primed and washed with the bases mostly done, plus the 3 Guildball and 5 commission pieces sitting part done.

This month I have played 6 games of my 100, and finished 26 models and an objective marker.

Currently finished 4/16 of my hobby resolutions, so I am on track for this point in the year.  I've updated the spreadsheet list with a colour code for how I (currently) think things will progress over the rest of the year.  Some are time specific, like running APRIL FUEL DAZE, some I won't know until the end of the year, like keeping the blog updated and whatnot.  I've also tried to separate out the three big painting projects too.

Short and sweet I guess, been a lot of stuff going on that there really isn't a picture for, as it hasn't arrived or whatever, or has been stuff like emailing and organizing, so, wouldn't be a great picture anyway.  That should be sorted soon though, after AFD I can get back to more physical hobby goals.



Amount Task Completed

519 Transfer Paint to dropper bottles 8 2%

1 Run April Fuel Daze 2018 0 0%

500 Make £500 selling old models 20 4%

61 Maintain Blog 17 28%

2 Go to 2 shows or conventions 1 50%

6 Play 6 New Opponents 5 83% John P, Peter, Richard, Martin, Steven

100 Play 100 Games 20 20%

6 Play 6 different Boardgames 3 50% Blood Rage, Battle Lore V2, Zombicide,
1 3 Play 3 New Games (or new editions) 3 100% Sharp Practice, 40k, Gaslands
1 29 Paint 4+ points of Saga Normans 21 72% Bishop, Mtd Hearthguard x2, Levy

3 Paint Guildball Butchers 0 0%

50 Paint remaining Deathguard 0 0%

26 Paint Waiqar starter for Runewars 0 0%
1 14 Paint 15mm army for HotT 14 100%

65 Paint 75pt Warmahordes list 0 0%
1 6 Paint Malifaux Crew 6 100% Hog Wild Box
4 1391

4 100.00% January, February, March

April, May, June

July, August, September

October, November, December

4 25.00%

Wednesday, 28 March 2018

#workbenchWednesday 28/03/18

Time flies huh?   How's the workbench looking to date?

Oathmark metal Dwarfs - a thing of beauty.

and on the sidelines -

That's a lotta fur...

So the main area is taken up with both blisters of the metal Oathmark Dwarfs (Available here) which are beautiful sculpts.  Like, really beautiful.   Very distinct lines and so full of character.   I hope I enjoy the plastics as much once I get to them.

The astute amongst you will have noticed that I have used standard lipped bases for them, rather than the 25mm squares that Oathmark will be using.  Three reasons for this; firstly, I really like the look of lipped bases, secondly, they now match most of the minis I have painted up, and thirdly, I'm planning on using them for a Fantasy Saga army once the sourcebook is released, and if I can shoe them into an Oathmark force, well, that's good too.

I have the King and Wizard on 40mm bases to use as a Warlord and Priest respectively, and the Musician was added to the Champions pack to make a unit of Hearthguard.  Sadly, I didn't get in on the Nickstarter, so I missed out on the limited edition one, or he would have made it in there. (insert begging shoutout to any kind soul reading this that has a spare)

Let's have a closer look at a few of them.  First up is the King, in a static, yet, commanding pose, sword help aloft, massive beard tied just above knee level (probably for tactical reverse manoeuvrers).  His cloak is probably crying out for some freehand work, but I've already pushed the boat out by going for a half 'n' half red and and cream colour scheme on the tunics (Did I ever mention I hate painting red?).  This will be repeated on the shields.  Purple cloak, because nobility, and that blue beard, because I was missing painting fur...   In all seriousness, it's a good base for an aged look.  He's also rocking a ring on his right hand, probably magical.

It's good to be king

Next up we have the Wizard with his attendant Raven.   It might be a Rook, but I'm going with Raven because these guys are Norse in my head.  Again, gorgeous sculpt, so full of character.  I love his huge beard, plus the braids.  Standing in a static pose, arm outstretched, no doubt surveying the battlefield, the sculpt is an absolute joy to paint.  Lots of nice cloth lines, plus a variety of fabrics across his tunic, tabard and whatever you call that thing around his neck.

He doesn't have a bad attitude, he's just giving you the bird.

Last one for the moment, the champion with great axe.  Again, so much character in such a small...  I was going to say face, but really, it's just eyes and a nose.Standing firm in a stoic pose, he looks ready for business.  Once more we have the flowing beard/braids combo, and a heavy mail shirt over his tunic.   I've gone with the split the way it is, because Red and Right both start with R, so, it should be easy enough to remember.

Axe me that one more time...
So, other than waxing lyrical over these Dwarfs, what have I been up to over the last week?

Thursday saw game 19/100 played.  Some midnight Saga, because having a messed up sleeping pattern is a thing.  Played 6pts V1, as I didn't have the new Viking Age book and boards.  Sarah borrowed some of my Frostgrave Barbarians and a couple of other figures to add 2pts of Hearthguard to her force so that I could try out my newly painted stuff.  In short, my shooting achieved absolutely nothing, my Mounted Hearthguard were massacred by Berserkers and a large Hearthguard unit, and after hiding behind a building for about 4 turns, her Viking Warlord charged into my Norman Duke, and cut him down in the last activation of the game.

It "almost" looks like her army is painted from here...

I also spent a bit of time working up the whites on the Reaper Bones Griffon, and I finished off the Warg and got it varnished.

Friday saw me finish off the Griffon, and base that along with the Warg.  Planning on using the Griffon for Dragon Rampant alongside my Normans, and the Warg is the start of a Jotun Warband for Blood Eagle.  Despite my initial reservations about the jelly nature of Bones minis, both were fine to work with, in fact, I'd consider getting another griffon to paint up with a rider.  Did my standard "blue" fur on the Warg, and went with a mind's eye cross of bald eagle and mountain lion for the griffon.  I could have used some real world reference material, but hey, it's fantasy, does that giant half bird/half lion have to look real?

Can't really see the derp eye from this angle.

Not the easiest model to take a picture of...

Which means more pictures.

Drybrushing would have been a lot quicker.

Not one to rest on my laurels, I also primed and inked the remainder of the Frostgrave Barbarian box, the Oathmark Dwarfs, my Lucid Eye Corelocks and Cro Magnon Chief, the new Dracula's America Werewolfs, a Nameless Horror from Northstar and one of the two Elven Revenants from Foundry.

Saturday saw me do both drybrush stages on all the bases, plus the rims on the Oathmark Dwarfs, Corelocks and Chief, as well as the Werewolfs and Nameless Horror.  I also managed to basecoat the metals on the Dwarfs, get the first few stages of fur done on the Werewolves (using the guide for Fenrisian Wolves from the Games Workshop Companies of Fenris book, and do the cloth and start the skin on the Nameless Horror.

Not sure natural is better.

Sunday started well, with me finishing the Werewolfs and Nameless Horror, but a powercut before work put paid to me getting any images of them.  I'd also managed to do the basecoats on the tunics, beards, skin and weapon hafts of the Oathmark Dwarfs.  Oh, and this was my 12 week #hobbystreak.

At least my phone was charged...

One of them looks more like a Werebunny...

Not even a face a mother could love.

Things that go bump in the night.

I really like the Werewolf sculpts, the natural look is growing on me, just not sure they were the best test for the technique, being a lot finer than the Fenrisian Wolves it was intended for.   I might pick up another pack to paint in a more cartoony style.  Thankfully they are available in a blister pack as well as the Forsaken Posse box from Northstar.  Faceless Horror is now a Nightmare Horror.

Monday saw me get the remaining basecoats down on the Dwarfs, and get them inked, and I got the skin, beards, Raven and wolf pelt layered up.

I also got a nice package from Footsore Miniatures.  Must say I was impressed with the quick turnaround as I'd ordered stuff Sunday, it was posted Monday, and arrived Tuesday.  I'd been considering an order for a while, as I knew I was going to get the Age of Vikings book for Saga as my reward for finishing at least 4pts of Saga minis.  There was a lot of nice stuff, but nothing I really needed, although, I knew I wanted the Gudrun Soultaker model that they were including in orders.  So, I hummed and hawwed over it, weighing up the fact the book would be £30 plus shipping, and I'd get 2 free minis, or, if I just spent £50, I wouldn't have to pay for shipping, which appeals to the tight-fisted Scot in me.  (Sarah tells a wonderful story of a "scenic" walk across Edinburgh over my refusal to pay about 20p to change train tickets to travel at peak time...)

Anyway...   the first of the Norman minis went up on Sunday, so I figured I could just grab more Crossbow armed warriors in the hope of getting something usable (Frostgrave soldiers had furry boots, Gripping Beast ones had furry...  everything, including detail)  That left me £8 shy of free shipping (gasp) so I grabbed a couple of Odin miniatures, one to use as a 15mm scale God in Of Gods and Mortals (hoping James might come out and play again if I stop using Thor to blast all his cool stuff off the table) and one for her, to hopefully get her to make a start on her army. 

"What are you going to do, stab me?" - Quote from girlfriend stabbed in the backside wooden sword

Cursory glance over everything looks good, no excessive flash, nice details.  Still have to compare them next to my plastic guys, but hoping it'll be fine.   Pretty sure I'll be grabbing the Crusades book from these guys too, not just because there will be a free figure with that too, but because I probably want another Gudrun to paint up as a Necromancer, and some Norse Berserkers.  Hopefully the Blood Eagle will be available too, as it would be a cool objective piece.

Today, I managed to do the highlight layers of red and bone on the Dwarfs tunics, and bag up the APRIL FUEL DAZE 2 dice that arrived, and then ferried children back and forth to the school Easter Disco.

Less 6's than the average roll of last years dice.

So, been pretty busy this week, only finished 5 models, but, made good headway on a few more.  Planning on getting a lot done before the weekend is out seeing as I'll be back soon with my Month in Review post, which will be the first standalone one of the year, conviently on the quarter way mark.



Wednesday, 21 March 2018

#workbenchWednesday 21/03/18

That time again then.  Workbench is relatively quiet, just 2 minis on it at the moment.

Reaper Bones - you get what you pay for, right?

Now, I have a tonne of Reaper Bones, the original ones, all of the first Kickstarter and some of the second.  Let's be honest, they aren't amazing.  Now, don't get me wrong, the price is fine, but the material leaves a lot to be desired, like, I'd rather have 10% of these minis in metal, than a pile waist high that I'll probably never touch.  The clean up isn't fun, the fact they move when painting them isn't fun, and the fact they can still be "sticky" years after priming them isn't fun.  Still hasn't stopped me considering the newer Frost Giants for Blood Eagle though.  Seriously though, I'm not really a fan of the Bones material, it's way down the list for preferred mediums for me, alongside Chinese hard plastic and just above the original Finecast.  Having said that, I've noticed that some of them seem a lot firmer than others, and the Griffon's wings seem a lot firmer than the body.  The Wolf wasn't too bad, so, hopefully I can get these done without hating them too much, and maybe work on more stuff from the pile.

The Griffon is intended for Dragon Rampant and I had planned on putting a spare Conquest Knight onto it, to represent a flying Hero type, then realised that I had used him for my Mounted Warlord for Saga, so that can wait until I get another box, which I need to fill out a unit of Mounted Warriors, as I'm only using the bodies without chainmail.  Hell, Bones are cheap right, I could just grab another Griffon too...  The Wolf is planned for a Blood Eagle Jotun Warband, so will be painted to match the bluish fur I've used on my Frostgrave minis.  I had considered doing him kinda polar bear colours, but I'll save that for if/when I get some suitable bear miniatures.  Pretty sure he can also pull double duty in IHMN Gothic, Empire of the Dead, Witchfinder General, or any of the other Gothic style rules I have.  Both are on round lipped bases naturally as they just look better, the Wolf is 50mm and the Griffon is 65mm, which I found Stateside.

So, what was I up to prior to this point?

Thursday and Friday was spent finishing off the Levy unit for my Saga Normans.  I kept the grey cloth more muted on them in the end, seems to have worked.

12 model units.  Fun.  I could have 3pts of Hearthguard in the same time...

What a difference a day makes.

Really pleased with how these guys turned out.  Pleased enough that I would consider building the rest of the box to give me another unit.  Not immediately, but at some point.

Saturday was given over to the necessary evil of adding basing texture to the growing pile of assembled miniatures I had going on.   The remainder of the Frostgrave Barbarians box, half the Cultists, a few more Soldiers, another Wizard and Apprentice, the Oathmark Dwarf metals and 4 plastics, the new Dracula's America Werewolves, a Faceless Horror, the Lucid Eye Corelocks, a pair of Foundry Elven Revenants (Vampires) plus the Bones figures I am currently working on.

All your base are textured by us.

Sunday, I started cleaning up some Warmahordes minis, turns out when you run events, you are the main person to ask to borrow minis from...  So, a unit of Farrow Valkyries, a Circle Orboros Blackclad Wayfarer Solo and Woldwarden Heavy Warbeast hit the table.  Plus I dunked a part painted Celestial Fulcrum Battle Engine I picked up in a trade into some Tesco All Purpose Value Cleaner to get rid of the naff brown and black primer.  Hit 11 weeks of #hobbystreak today as well, so was feeling pretty good about things.

Honestly not a chocolate cake.

Monday.   Hmmmm.   Monday was a bit of a lost cause.  See, I spent 4 hours in A&E overnight after picking up a concussion at work, so, between painkillers and dozing on and off, whilst being wide awake and exhausted at the same time, I didn't get anything done.  Thankfully I had my arranged game of Frostgrave at the club to carry me over.  Then that got cancelled due to a family emergency on my opponent's side, but, I managed to get in on a pick up game of Zombicide Rue Morgue, so, managed to add to both my board games played and new opponents played tally for the year.

I mean, that's not even a lot of Zombies.
We played 7 survivors vs. the horde, and ultimately escaped intact, with only one Survivor wounded.  It was touch and go for a while after we cleared our way to the escape zone, but the Abomination spawned behind us, and we had to double back to take it out.  We had a choice of areas to engage the horde, and settled on one with good firing lines, but further from the escape, and risked the chance of the Abomination respawning whilst we made a break for it.  Thankfully, that didn't happen, and we escaped safely.  Was a good game with Sarah, Martin and Stephen.

Tuesday, still wasn't feeling 100% so wasn't in the mood for painting, and couldn't really focus on any one thing.  I did get both the Bones figures hand primed, and then started my normal procrastination/organisation thing of re-arranging the cabinets in the games room.  It;s something I tend to do when I am at a loss for how to progress, a way of "controlling the chaos" if you will, imposing some sort of order onto 1001 projects.  It does prompt some crazy ideas however, like, "I should inventory my entire miniatures collection" and that sort of nonsense.  I dunno, sometimes there is a sense of despair, that I won't ever get around to painting all these cool minis that I want to paint, and always add more to the pile.  It's oppressive in a way, and is sometimes a sharp reminder of the ceaseless advance of time...

And on that gloomy note, I did take some shots of the cabinets once I'd moved things to where I want them, more or less, there is still some stuff to change, but for the moment, my newer and current projects have moved up from floor level, and it looks a lot better to me, as there are more painted minis on display when you walk into the room.  The top row is all my Warmahordes stuff, the next row is mainly "army level" games, along with Sarah's Menoth and Mike's Farrow whilst I finish them off.  The third row is mainly Skirmish level games, and the bottom layer is the hidden assembled and part painted minis.  Here's a selection of some of them -

Guildball Butchers.  Awaiting the final 3 figures.

Saga Normans.  8pts painted plus Warlord options.  Still need to add Crossbows.

Mike's Farrow army.  Just a few Razorboars and Carver to add.

Frostgrave stuff, plus Broken Legions and Rocks.

Death Guard starter.  Awaiting reinforcements.

Copplestone 15mm Hordes of the Things Picts.  Over 24pts, reinforcements incoming.

Living Circle Orboros stuff for Hordes.

Gremlins for Malifaux.  Plus a Guild dude I need to finish that box and punt it.

Microworld 6mm Beastmen.  Based for Warmaster.  Over 2000pts.  Needs more Chariots.

Construct Circle Orboros stuff for Hordes.  Needs more clump foliage.

Well, that's all for now folks, hopefully head is cleared up now and can get back to being productive over the next week.



Wednesday, 14 March 2018

#workbenchWednesday 14/03/18

Woo, actually on time this week.  Won't be a huge amount to say, as I didn't update until the weekend, but still a lot of stuff done.

Currently, the workbench looks like this -

1pt of Norman Levy. 

Just the unit of Levy for SAGA taking up space right now.  I've finished all the base coats, washed them, and done 2 layers on the blue tunics and one on the grey, caught the feathers at the same time.  I don't think I'll take them up to pure white as they are the lowest rank of troops in the army, and I kinda want them to keep a more stealthy look.   Well, as stealthy as ou can be wearing a blue sack cloth...

I managed to get both my Mounted Heathguard units and the Mounted Warlord finished up on Sunday, which means I can now play a proper 6pt game of SAGA fully painted.  Feels good.  It also means I've painted 3pts this year, meaning that once the Levy are done, I'll have the minimum 4pts painted that I was aiming for this year.  I do want to add Crossbow armed Warriors at some point, and probably another unit of Warriors, which means the 3x8 for SAGA will be 2x12 for Dragon/Lion Rampant.  Still not sure what to do with the shields.  Not a fan of the "busy" historic ones, but I don't want to leave them plain either.  Doesn't help that some are flat and some have bosses...

Also, 10 weeks straight #hobbystreak!

Charge of the Knight Brigade

Full army so far.  7pts plus Warlord options.

Monday was getting the blue done on the tunics of the Levy, followed by an introductory game of Osprey's Gaslands at the club with another new opponent, Richard.  We started off easy with 2 vehicles each, one standard and one performance car, with machine guns by way of armament.

The "easy" start went straight out the window as we were blowing holes and ramming each other before we hit the first corner.  My standard car suffered an ignoble defeat, sliding off the edge of the table recovering from a ram, whilst my performance car managed to rear end Richard's, causing it to flip, and ultimately blow up, whilst I careened off the track, straight through a barricade, before getting back on the blacktop.  Things looked bad, as I was accruing hazard tokens and damage like nobodies business, however, I kept pushing as I didn't want to stay in range of Richard's Machine Gun.

He pushed his car to catch up with me, resulting in a slide that left him careening off the road straight to the table edge.  His speed meant he couldn't really recover before crashing out, much like my car had done earlier.

We carried on playing, as my performance car was limping along with one damage box remaining, and was still loaded up with hazard tokens.  I made it through the last corner, and gunned the engine to hit the finish line before the end of the turn.  Eyeballing the templates, and it looked like, even with a good run, I wouldn't fully cross the line, but, a fortuitous roll meant that I actually performed a Slide manoeuvre over the line as I filled up to 6 hazards.  Talk about finishing in style!

Pole Position Posing!

I definitely had fun and will have to check at work for some suitable vehicles to paint up my own crew.  It also put me to my planned 3 new games/editions, and halfway to my 6 new opponents for the year.  Chatting after the game, we spoke about the various Osprey rules, and having mentioned that my painted Frostgrave warband has been done for over 2 years and still hasn't seen a tabletop, we've arranged to play that next week.  Still got Malifaux and Hordes of the Things to play too, so well covered that part of my #hobbyresolution2018.

Tuesday was doing the grey on the Levy tunic's and a bunch of event co-ordination for APRIL FUEL DAZE 2!  Just getting prize support sorted and up people to submit their Factions/Lists.   Going well so far, we have prizes in from Games & Gears and stuff coming from Green Stuff World.  Still waiting to hear back from a bunch more places too.  I've also got the orders in for the event dice and Best in Faction trophies, and Best Painted Army Award.

So far today, it's been answering emails, and making a start on the player goody bags, also have the kids over, so hoping to sneak in some painting once they are asleep.

That's it for now then, see you in a week.  Hopefully.

Sunday, 11 March 2018

Another belated #workbenchWednesday post 07/03/18

Well, I kinda have an excuse this week, as my car got hit outside work and I've been running around getting it sorted.  No major damage, so it's fine, just took up a bit of time.

How was the workbench looking then?

Wednesday 07/13/018 Workbench

So, I'm going back a bit now to the beginning of March.  Thursday, I started all the base coats on my SAGA Levy unit, clipped out the remaining Oathmark Dwarfs and organized them into units for SAGA, and finally, played my first game of Warhammer 40,000 in about 15 years.  I was just using the Deathguard from the new starter box.  Victory went to the Deathguard vs. Sarah's Thousand Sons.  Figured it was time to give them an outing and gave me an excuse to get my new scatter terrain on the table, along with a long Out of Production Forgeworld Chaos Temple.

Needs more terrain, but getting there.

Friday saw me finish the base coats on the Levy, and give them a Strong Tone wash, plus we replayed the game from the day before, Deathguard winning again, although, lessons were learned for the future.  Back to work at this point.

Don't take any chances boys.

Saturday I didn't have much time due to snow, so just cleaned up a few models as I didn't fancy sitting painting in a cold room.  Put together the two blisters of Oathmark Dwarfs from Northstar, the new Dracula's America Werewolves and a Faceless Horror.

Sunday I braved the cold (turned the radiator up) and did some work on the horses for my 2pts of mounted Hearthguard and mounted Warlord.  This was my 9 week #hobbystreak day!

Yes, those are green horses...

I had a game of Gaslands lined up for Monday, but it was rescheduled due to the weather and should go ahead next week, so I finished off the horses and got them varnished, varnished the bases of the Levy to save having to do it later, and painted and varnished one of the casualty models as a makeshift objective.

Tuesday was spent adding base effects to the horses and objective, as well as a lot of blood effects on the objective before starting the base coats on the riders.

It's just a flesh wound...

Happy with the variety of markings and colours.
Wednesday, I started the base coats on the mounted hearthguard and organized a few older models to sell off.  Some did immediately, so that's £20 towards to £500 total.

Thursday was finishing the base coats and wash on the riders, adding all my Citadel paints into the mobile app (realised they had released more) and sorted out more old lead.  Ended up grabbing another pack of sleeves to fully sleeve the Ironskull's Boyz set, and 2 of the paints I was missing from Games Workshop when I was in Stirling picking up parts for the car.

Friday was mainly event co-ordination for APRIL FUEL DAZE, looks like we hit 24 players so it makes grouping a lot easier.  I also assembled a Biologus Putrifier that Sarah picked up for me.  She said it was a gift, but I think it is more to give me more to do to hit my #hobbyresolution2018 project targets.

Saturday I glued the hearthguard to their horses and managed to get a few highlight layers on them.

Sunday, I did the final highlights on the metals and skin and got the Heathguard varnished.  Another 2pts of SAGA completed, plus a mounted Warlord option, putting me to 3/4pts minimum for the year.

Not sure what my plans are for the rest of the day, need to get some stuff done as I'll hopefully be back on track to get this updated again i a couple of days.