Thursday, 9 August 2018

#workbenchWednesday 08/08/18

So, don't have a workbench shot because it is top secret stuff on it right now, but I do have some things to show off that I knocked out over the weekend.

I've been leaning towards doing more fantasy styled Dark Ages gaming, so I'm looking at Blood Eagle again, and figured I would paint up some Draugr models as quick and dirty generic bad guys.

It turned out that I still had some of the Games Workshop Army of the Dead plastic models from the Lord of the Rings line still on the sprue lying in a box near my desk, so, they seemed like a good starting point.  I wanted to avoid the usual ethereal paint scheme for them, opting for a variety of grubby browns and black, to better represent mouldering corpses rather than ghosts.

I quickly knocked out one each of a plastic Army of the Dead trooper, metal Black Numenorean, and a Spectre from Otherworld games.  Nothing groundbreaking with the paintjobs, Army Painter Leather Brown colour primer, Strong Tone wash, then paint the skin Ash Grey, hair and beards Skeleton Bone, armour and weapons Machinegun Metal (AKA Platemail Metal IIRC) and the black cloth Necromancer Cloak (Robe?) then apply a Dark tone wash to the metals and some of the brown cloth, and soft tone to the skin and hair.  Job done.

Not so Solid Crew

So, in rather short order I managed to get 12 Army of the Dead troopers, 3 Black Numenoreans and 2 Spectres painted over the weekend, and so began some grand plans to make this into a Dragon Rampant/SAGA force, seeing as I have a huge Lord of the Rings backlog to draw from.

Almost feels like cheating

 Sure, they won't win any awards, but they definitely look the part for a bunch of mouldering corpses.  I have another 4 Warriors of the Dead, 3 Black Numenoreans, a RedBox Sorcerer, Reaper Viking and Uruk-hai Berserker primed up ready to go, as well as a spare copy of the hooded Witch-king.

I've also based up enough Army of the Dead to be able to field 6pts of Warriors in SAGA, or 4 units for Dragon Rampant.  I might have to see about getting some custom movement trays to be able to use them for War of the Ring too.

I am Batman.

The rummaging through the LotR backlog also turned up enough metal Morgul Knights to build 16, as well as 10 Riders of the Dead, plus a spare King and a Standard Bearer, which I think I'll end up putting on an oversized base.  There is also a load of Trolls, and other random gribblies like Wraiths, Wights and Bat Swarms, so I have plenty to be getting on with.

Well, I'm the Dark Knight.

That's it for the week, just building up more LotR figures and planning a massive army.  Hopefully that's the productivity back on track.  Still haven't been keeping track of #hobbystreak, but I have been doing a little each day.

Until next week,



Wednesday, 1 August 2018

#workbenchWednesday 01/08/18

Wow, actually on time this week...   So, how's the old workbench looking?

Pretty sparse for sure, although, I am working on some stuff that I have to keep under wraps as it is pre-release industry work.  Just the Razorback Crew to do for Mike's army to finish it off.  Which means, I must have finished all the Razorboars, right?

Ghost Pig - Way of the Hamurai.

Right.  He asked me to do a couple of them in the same "Sin City" style that I had done my Grymkin in, so I obliged, with one being done identically, and the other to have an orange glow.  Not really much area for glow effects as even the eyes are armoured on these little piggies.  He likes the final result, which means I am now doing some test pieces for him for Legion of Everblight.

Nephilim Soldier
Naga Nightlurker

Went with the Soldier and Naga as test pieces, because, well, I had them already, and it shows the scheme on a model with and without any metal areas.  Turned out pretty good if I do say so myself.  I'd like to do a selection of different test models with various 'glow' effects in a bright red, green, yellow, pink, purple, orange, blue and so on, as well as different tints on the armour, and a selection of Tamiya Clears for the blood and whatnot.  I reckon this would work for all the Hordes factions, and probably Cryx too, although, I'm not too sure with all the Warmachine ones.

Off to the side of the workbench currently looks like this.

Awwwwww, they're only ikkle.

None more brown.

First up is my Dwarfs from FourA Miniatures that I'm painting up for the SAGA Rampant! Challenge, along with some of the oldest kiddo's Goblins that she is painting for Hordes of the Things, along with the remaining Butcher's Guild figures to paint for Guildball, a Foundry Viking I am painting up for Blood Eagle/Saga, both Stormcast warbands for Shadespire, and a varied selection of models that I'm planning on doing for Blood Eagle.  There are Black Numenoreans and Army of the Dead from the Games Workshop Lord of the Rings line, plus a couple of Wraiths or Spectres from Otherworld Miniatures that are all planned as part of a Draugr Warband, along with some Reaper tombstones, and some Northstar miniatures (Crowmaster and Crow from Frostgrave and a Dwarf from the OGAM range) and finally a Footsore Shaman.

So, along with getting that lot primed up, I also have a growing collection of stuff mid assembly/basing.

There are various Reaper Bones ogres and a Giant, alongside a rock monster, foo dog and fountain, along with a metal werewolf and a vikingy guy who will join the Draugr.  There is also the Dragon Tong for IHMN as well as some Tharn that have been there for months now.  Finally, a Red Box Sorcerer who is also going into the Draugr collection.

Lastly, done a bit rearranging in the games room to try and keep things tidy/make better use of space.  It is quite disheartening how few painted forces I have in relation to the amount of figures and rulesets I own...  Guess I have to keep working on those double-duty ones right?

Well, that's it for this week, not really kept track of what I've been doing on a daily basis but that pretty much covers all I've been up to since my last weekly update.

