Sunday 31 January 2021

Month in Review - January 2021

 OK, first new post of the year and I think it's a bit of a belter.  I've started off  pretty strong (as usual), New Year Motivation and all that, and made pretty good progress with a few painting projects.  I'll run through them in #hobbyresolution2021 order, then skim over the gaming and hobby ones because Lockdown, what else?


January 2012 - 69 minis/elements painted.   Nice!


1. Grymkin - not made a start on these, but that might change with some of the things I've been working on in the background.  0/28

2. Tales of Instahammer 2012 - Great progress made here, I knocked out 6 units each of Skeletons and Dire Wolves, 2 Vampire Heroes and a Necromancer.  I only had 4 of each unit in my planned list, but extras is always good, and it saves me going back and painting another 2 units at a later date and spare Skeletons won't go amiss will they.  I'm only counting the 4 units towards my Instahammer progress, so that makes 27/83 elements complete.


God, I wish I could count these individually...

Skeleton Warriors  (Forest Dragon)

Heroes (Forest Dragon)

Deid Dugs (Forest Dragon).  Vikings not for scale.


3. Heerschau 2012 - Completed the monthly quota for this challenge by painting up a unit of Heavy Weapon toting Teutonic Foot Knights from Crusader Miniatures.  Progress halted as I wait for the announcement of February's point of minis.  Fingers crossed it isn't Levy as I'd have to order in some suitable Slavic Serfs to errr.... motivate the Brotherhood.


Hearthguard with Heavy Weapons  (Crusader Miniatures)


4.  Warhammer Underworlds - Didn't get anything done for this in January, but it was the only thing I'd planned out that I didn't get around too.  Not overly fussed as I reckon this is more a late game challenge after June once Instahamer and Heerschau wrap up and give me a bit more leeway with stuff.  0/22 warbands.

5.  Project: Shieldwall - Well...  I hit this one running (but I reckon productivity was guilted into it, seeing as I took advantage of the Northstar Newsletter discount code and ordered the entire range of Crusader Vikings, yes, that includes the Norse Adventurers and Varangians...)  This was probably helped by the fact I had a backlog of Vikings built, primed, inked, and bases sorted.  Finally tally is 16 Viking Warriors (2pts for SAGA), 4 Hearthguard with Dane Axe (1pt for SAGA) and 4 Hearthguard with Bows (0 for SAGA, unless I play Lords of the Wild in AoM I think).  Still, 24 hairy heathens added to the total, making me think I missed the punctuation in my planned 2-4 models...  Seeing as I was so close to hitting the halfway point, I also painted up an old Grenadier Miniatures Barbarian Shaman with Skull from Forlorn Hope Games.  25/50 booyah!


Viking Warriors (Wargames Foundry)

More Viking Warriors (Wargames Foundry)

Starting to look like a real Shieldwall now.

Hearthguard with Dane Axes (Wargames Foundry)

Gangs all together now

Hearthguard with Bows (Wargames Foundry)

25 Scary Hairy Barbari... Vikings (Wargames Foundry/Forlorn Hope Games)

Barbarian Shaman with Skull (Forlorn Hope Games/ ex Grenadier)


6. Monthly Fun Mini - Another successful challenge.  Painted up the alternate sculpt Ranger figure that came with the Rangers of Shadowdeep collectors edition rulebook.  Had a lot of fun with him, kept a very PJ Strider look to the mini, as I intend to use him as Aragorn in some LotR skirmish games at some point.  Now I want to pick up the standard version (found here) andd seeing as he is carrying a severed head, paint him up more like Geralt from the Witcher series. 1/12 done.

Alt Ranger (Northstar Miniatures)

7.  Blood Bowl - Made a start on this, entire team box (and the Ogre big guy) assembled and based.  Hoping to get them done February or March just to knock a full project off the list.  No picture for these guys as it's literally assembled model on basing needing primed, I'm sure you can find hundreds of examples of that on the internet.   0/17

8.  Terrain - Not started, but not worried, looking to do 1 piece/set every 3 months so plenty of time.

Right, that wraps up the painting progress, which is invariably the easiest part during the continued lockdown, but how about the rest of the challenges?

Not looked at any of the Gaming resolutions, but I have just cleared the games table to take pictures, so... it's now free.  Might make a start later today, benefits of living with a gamer I guess.

As far as Hobbying challenges go, kept up to date with weekly #workbenchWednesday posts on Instagram, and I'm (obviously) doing my monthly review, so progress made there.  Haven't been out to the shed for woodworking and there haven't been any shows, so... no progress there.  Ah, balance.



That's it for now then, stay safe folks, and I'll be back in a month with more painted minis.






  1. Great start To the year. The Vikings look great. I have not got into SAGA2 otherwise I would have been keen to take them on. The Ranger looks very cool😎

    1. Cheers Dave, had a load of fun with the Vikings, super quick too, just like slightly stretched Dwarves. Well... other than the fact the new Oathmark Dwarves are about the same height as them. Sure I could manage a v1 game at some point when we get back to the club.

  2. Setting a great example! Looking forward to seeing more throughout the year mate!

    1. Cheers dude. I still feel I fell a bit short as I'm already at negative numbers for clearing the backlog, but maybe a bit more restraint and a lot more brushwork might help that.

  3. Those undead are superb. Need to buy the STLs ASAP.

    1. Cheers dude. Get them, they ARE great. I've got a huge backlog to get through, but I've already started printing some of the individual versions for 15mm gaming.
