Wednesday 25 April 2018

#workbenchWednesday 25/04/18

Boom!   Weekly update is on time this week.  Look up for signs of flying pigs/blue moons/ signs of impending world annihilation...

It's probably going to be a brief update, as once again, I have nothing to show, as I've been slaving away on Project:  Top Secret.  As always, it's kinda meh that I don't have pictures to post, but I really hope the reveal will be worth it.  And if it isn't, well, there are only 7 or so readers to disappoint, right?    Nah, I'm kidding, the blog is doing pretty good for views, even when I don't spam links everywhere (I mean, you guys can help with that...)

Deadline for P:TS is just before Welsh Masters, so, around about the 17th of May, before I head down to Firestorm once again.

So, what have I been up to since my belated update?   Quite a lot actually.

Monday saw me finish off 3 models for P: TS, pin and assemble another 14, and start clean up on another 5.

Tuesday was getting all the pinned and assembled stuff primed and touching up all the bits I'd missed on first pass.

Today, I've sent out the thank you emails to the companies that provided prize support for APRIL FUEL DAZE 2! (, Games & Gears and Green Stuff World) and made some progress on the primed stuff.  I am also currently writing a blog post ( :P ) and am going to sort out a brief for an article for the Sculpting, Painting and Gaming blog about breaking into historical gaming from a fantasy background.  I might get a little more painting done, but I have all day tomorrow and most of Friday to make more progress.  Currently up to #hobbystreakday115 which is pretty amazing, and although I've stopped putting up daily images on Instagram, because, well, there really isn't anything to show, I'm still keeping on top of it and writing my actual progress in my #hobbystreak diary.

Next update should be Monday for the #monthinreview post for April, and after that it's only a few weeks until both Carronade and Welsh Masters, so there will probably be a lot to report.



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