How are things looking on the old #hobbyresolution2018 then?
1 - Transfer my flip-top paint collection to dropper bottles. (8/519)
Haven't done any this month. Been kinda busy using the paints for their intended purpose rather than colourful ornaments.
2 - Organise and run a two day Warmahordes event, (1/1)
APRIL FUEL DAZE 2! was a resounding success. Or, at least I haven't heard anything to the contrary. Had a good turnout again this year, with people also travelling from much further afield, so, hopes to grow it next year might not be unfounded.
3 - Make £500 selling old models. (20/500)
Not sold anything this month. Did dig out my Warmaster Chaos army and considered putting that up for sale, but still on the fence/waiting to hear back about it from someone before I do so. Also been kinda busy hobbying to tackle the Lord of the Rings trove.
4 - Maintain the Blog with weekly and monthly updates. (16/52 and 4/12)
Still on track with this, more than a couple of late updates, but, I'm OK with that, given my erratic sleep pattern.
5 - Go to 2 Gaming Shows or Conventions. (1/2)
Carronade in a couple of weeks will be the next and let me tick this off.
6 - Play 6 New Opponents. (6/6)
Done ahead of schedule, thanks to numerous pick up games at the club, and managing to get a game in with one of the Norwegians that came over for AFD2!
7 - Play 100 Games (29/100)
8 - Play 6 different Board Games.
None played this month.
9 - Play 3 New Games or New Editions of Rules (3/3)
![]() |
I should probably get the rules for this right? |
Already complete.
12 - Paint remaining Deathguard for Warhammer 40,000 (0/50 Models)
13 - Paint Waiqar half of Runewars Miniatures Game Starter (0/26 Models)
Guess what? Nope.
14 - Paint a 15mm Hordes of the Things Army (14/14 Elements)
15 - Paint a 75pt Warmahordes List (0/? Models)
16 - Paint the Hog Wild Malifaux box (6/6 Models)
So time for some numbers then?
Painted 47 models this month, and assembled at least 60. The stuff that was sidelined on the workbench remains there. Should be getting back to that soon.
Played 8 games of 100, so, hitting that average of 2 a week. Going to have 7 at Welsh next month, so that should get things running at about the right number.
Have now finished 6 of my Hobby Resolutions, a good jump for one month, and should hopefully be at 8/16 by the end of May.
Current #hobbystreakday - 120 (17 weeks straight)
So yeah, that about wraps it up. I'll try and get some pictures from my games at Welsh (time/alcohol permitting) and I'll be able to show off Project: Top Secret. Woo!
Amount | Task | Completed | ||
519 | Transfer Paint to dropper bottles | 8 | 2% | |
1 | Run April Fuel Daze 2018 | 1 | 100% | Complete |
500 | Make £500 selling old models | 20 | 4% | |
61 | Maintain Blog | 21 | 34% | |
2 | Go to 2 shows or conventions | 1 | 50% | |
6 | Play 6 New Opponents | 6 | 100% | Complete (John P, Peter, Richard, Martin, Steven, Merete) |
100 | Play 100 Games | 27 | 27% | |
6 | Play 6 different Boardgames | 3 | 50% | Blood Rage, Battle Lore V2, Zombicide, |
3 | Play 3 New Games (or new editions) | 3 | 100% | Complete (Sharp Practice, 40k, Gaslands) |
29 | Paint 4+ points of Saga Normans | 21 | 72% | Complete (Bishop, Mtd Hearthguard x2, Levy) |
3 | Paint Guildball Butchers | 0 | 0% | |
50 | Paint remaining Deathguard | 0 | 0% | |
26 | Paint Waiqar starter for Runewars | 0 | 0% | |
14 | Paint 15mm army for HotT | 14 | 100% | Complete (Copplestone 15mm Picts) |
67 | Paint 75pt Warmahordes list | 47 | 70% | |
6 | Paint Malifaux Crew | 6 | 100% | Complete (Hog Wild box) |
1393 | 12.78% |
A Productive month at an rates far surpasses my own efforts at any rate!
ReplyDeleteCheers Si. Yeah, I figured I could take 7 weeks off painting and still have averaged 1 mini a day for the year...