2018 has been a year of ups and downs really (so, pretty much like any other year) and it's seen me going from all-in to almost nothing. There have been long periods of silence, which I've tried to make up for by still working away in the background.
Easiest way is to look at those #hobbyresolution2018 vows and see what I managed.
1 - Transfer my flip-top paint collection to dropper bottles. (83/550)
- A continuation from last year, I managed to do all the GW Base paints
and Washes, and figured out a set-up that allowed me to do about 9
paints at a time. The washes were easy, the base paints took slightly
longer due to consistency. I'm hoping the layer paints are a bit
quicker. It's a lot of paint to get through, but it does include the
remainder of the newest GW line, almost the entire Foundry line (missing
one of the discontinued WWII sets) and the original P3 line. I guess
taking the time to do a few sets of 9 every time I have a spare day will
help to chip away at it. Even if I can't get through it all I'd like
to at least clear the GW ones, and ideally the P3 too.
Well, I didn't get to tick this one off... I made a fair amount of headway into the GW paints, but still have a few sets of 9 to do to finish the line. I smell an ongoing resolution.
Well, I didn't get to tick this one off... I made a fair amount of headway into the GW paints, but still have a few sets of 9 to do to finish the line. I smell an ongoing resolution.
- some new paints. I figure that if I do either of the GW or P3 lines
I'll grab another set of Scale75 paints to fill out the collection. If I
do both, I'll get two. If by some Herculean effort I clear the
Foundry ones, well, I reckon that's worth two sets in itself.
Well, beyond picking up the newly released (at the time) Army Painter paints, and replacements for used ones, I didn't buy any new paints, so I guess that's ok.
HobbyResolution2018 - 0/16
Well, beyond picking up the newly released (at the time) Army Painter paints, and replacements for used ones, I didn't buy any new paints, so I guess that's ok.
HobbyResolution2018 - 0/16
2 - Organise and run a two day Warmahordes event, (1/1)
- Run April Fuel Daze again. For my first big solo two day event,
things went surprisingly smoothly, and it was definitely well received.
The fact that it was the largest two day event in Scotland for
WarmaHordes last year was also a nice bonus. I'd like to make it part
of the WMH event calendar if at all possible, and would be aiming to up
the places from 24 to 48.
Managed this one, in April funnily enough :p the event went really well, a huge thanks to everyone that came along to play, the event sponsors, and Falkirk District Wargames Club for the use of hall and tables, and chipping in to the prize support.
Managed this one, in April funnily enough :p the event went really well, a huge thanks to everyone that came along to play, the event sponsors, and Falkirk District Wargames Club for the use of hall and tables, and chipping in to the prize support.
Reward -
Attend a two day event as a player. It's good to let someone else call
the shots once in a while, and I enjoy travelling to events and meeting
up with folk I don't get to see that often.
Well, between Welsh Masters and the World Team Championship, I got the reward for this one.
HobbyResolution2018 - 1/16
Well, between Welsh Masters and the World Team Championship, I got the reward for this one.
HobbyResolution2018 - 1/16
3 - Make £500 selling old models. (20/500)
- Like most gamers, I have an insurmountable amount of tat lying about
collecting dust, and like most gamers, I've always told myself that I'll
get around to it some day. The thing is, as I'm mostly about the
aesthetics, most of the minis I've bought are because they look cool and
I really do want to paint them. Listing stuff for sale and dealing
with the inevitable bargain hunting can you dig out one model from a
collection of thousands for a pound just isn't worth the time or effort
(people, gah) One of my main barriers to productivity ( after video
games) is just the sheer amount of stuff sitting about to get around
to. Clearing some of that will hopefully clear my mind a little.
FAIL. I can't even remember what it was I sold now... I guess the problem with buying models you want to paint is you don't want to get rid of them, just in case you do paint them some day...
FAIL. I can't even remember what it was I sold now... I guess the problem with buying models you want to paint is you don't want to get rid of them, just in case you do paint them some day...
Reward - I guess the reward is doing this, I get £500 cash and free up some space. Less clutter equals less distraction.
HobbyResolution2018 - 1/16
HobbyResolution2018 - 1/16
4 - Maintain the Blog with weekly and monthly updates. (30/52 and 9/12)
- Do a #workbenchwednesday post each week and a monthly update. I
always have the best intentions when it comes to blogging, but always
seem to peter out after a few posts. This year I want to try and break
that by providing regular updates. It's kinda hard to stay accountable
to a general readership of 0, so, hopefully by posting more regularly,
this blog will pick up some followers and I'll actually need to work at
entertaining them.
Well, didn't complete this one, but, it's been a better result than previous years. Started well, as per usual, the only thing is, a Wednesday update can be iffy as I'm always just coming off a nightshift. Still, workbenchThursday sounds naff, so, we'll stick with the Wednesday update. Even if it is Wednesday in a different time zone. I managed an (averaged) bi-weekly update at least, and hit 3/4 of the monthly ones. Giving myself half a point for that.
Well, didn't complete this one, but, it's been a better result than previous years. Started well, as per usual, the only thing is, a Wednesday update can be iffy as I'm always just coming off a nightshift. Still, workbenchThursday sounds naff, so, we'll stick with the Wednesday update. Even if it is Wednesday in a different time zone. I managed an (averaged) bi-weekly update at least, and hit 3/4 of the monthly ones. Giving myself half a point for that.
Reward - No idea. She says get a new laptop.
No new laptop for me...
HobbyResolution2018 - 1.5/16
No new laptop for me...
HobbyResolution2018 - 1.5/16
5 - Go to 2 Gaming Shows or Conventions. (2/2)
- Get out the house and go to a couple of shows, ideally including one
of the Scottish ones this year. I missed them due to being out of the
country for various WarmaHordes events last year, so would be good to
get back to them and see the familiar faces. Outside of Scotland, I try
to get to York with the club as it's a good day out, and there is a bit
more variety in traders.
Well, I made it to Vapnartak in York and Carronade in Falkirk, so, can tick this one off the list.
Well, I made it to Vapnartak in York and Carronade in Falkirk, so, can tick this one off the list.
Reward - Again, no idea.
HobbyResolution2018 - 2.5/16
HobbyResolution2018 - 2.5/16
6 - Play 6 New Opponents. (6/6)
- Play a game against (or including) someone I've never played
before. A repeat of last year, but it worked well, and, well, I guess
it helps me feel a bit less anti-social than I can be due to nightshift.
Well, I aced this one. I played way more new opponents than 6. Actually, I played 6 people I've never played before at both Welsh Masters and the WTC, so, win. Add to that a few guys from the club, and one of the Norse that came over for April Fuel Daze. Looks like I might not be completely anti-social.
Well, I aced this one. I played way more new opponents than 6. Actually, I played 6 people I've never played before at both Welsh Masters and the WTC, so, win. Add to that a few guys from the club, and one of the Norse that came over for April Fuel Daze. Looks like I might not be completely anti-social.
Reward - No idea.
HobbyResolution2018 - 3.5/16
HobbyResolution2018 - 3.5/16
7 - Play 100 Games (100/100)
- Play a total of 100 games across miniature and board games. It's a
big part of the reason why we paint these things so I'm told, so I guess
it makes sense.
Managed this between WARMACHINE (well... HORDES), a fair amount of Shadespire, and a good weekend at Adam's.
Managed this between WARMACHINE (well... HORDES), a fair amount of Shadespire, and a good weekend at Adam's.
Reward - No idea. Not sure these rewards are gonna be any sort of incentive...
HobbyResolution2018 - 4.5/16
HobbyResolution2018 - 4.5/16
8 - Play 6 different Board Games.
Resolution -
Again, a repeat of last year. Still, have to put those kickstarted
dollars to good use. With any luck Rivals will eventually turn up this
year (not holding my breath for Torn Armor) and Rising Sun is due to be
delivered. I've still got to get around to trying out all the Undead
for Runewars V2. I can see Blood Rage and Chaos in the Old World being
pulled out again.
Well, neither Rivals or Torn Armor showed... but I did play (over) 6 board games, though, Rising Sun wasn't one of them... Blood Rage, Battle Lore V2, Zombicide, Shadespire, Fury of Dracula, Pokemon Monopoly, King of Tokyo, Silk Road,
Well, neither Rivals or Torn Armor showed... but I did play (over) 6 board games, though, Rising Sun wasn't one of them... Blood Rage, Battle Lore V2, Zombicide, Shadespire, Fury of Dracula, Pokemon Monopoly, King of Tokyo, Silk Road,
Reward - Pick up an expansion for one of my boardgames.
Does backing HATE count?
HobbyResolution2018 - 5.5/16
Does backing HATE count?
HobbyResolution2018 - 5.5/16
9 - Play 3 New Games or New Editions of Rules (3/3)
- The past couple of years it has pretty much been 99.9% WarmaHordes
when it comes to playing miniature games. I haven't played 40k since
maybe... 2004? And I have umpteen sets of rules that have been updated
without ever being played. Plus there are new games coming out all the
time, so this challenge should be relatively easy. Seeing as I put the
Deathguard together and got them painted, I figure the new 40k should
be one of the games I play, and Saga has a 2nd edition coming out too,
so that will probably make the list. Malifaux, once I get the starter
done would make up the 3rd.
Well, I got the Death Guard on the table, dabbled in historicals with Sharpe Practice, and indulged my inner Mad Max with Gaslands, along with playing SAGA V2, and probably other stuff. Win.
Well, I got the Death Guard on the table, dabbled in historicals with Sharpe Practice, and indulged my inner Mad Max with Gaslands, along with playing SAGA V2, and probably other stuff. Win.
Reward - Buy a new rulebook (and try to have models painted and playable before it is obsolete)
Yeah, I think I used all the unclaimed rewards on this one. The Library Abides.
HobbyResolution2018 - 6.5/16
10 - Paint 4pts of Normans for SAGA. (4/4pts, 21/28 models)
- Paint at least another 2pts of Normans to give me a 6pt force, and
aim for 4 to give me some options. I currently have 8 Mounted
Hearthguard (2pts) and 8 Warriors with Crossbows (1pt) part done from
last year, and put together 12 Levy (1pt) the other day, along with a
mounted Warlord and a... well, I don't know, objective marker of some
sort using one of the casualty figures from the sprue. Can't find the
dead horse in my bits though... I'd probably throw in another unit of
Warriors to this lot, as that would, over 3 units, give me the 24 models
to run 2 units in Lion or Dragon Rampant, and having had a brief look,
should be, with these new additions, enough to play a game.
Well, I painted up 2 units of Mounted Hearthguard, a Priest, a unit of bow armed Levy, plus a casualty marker and a mounted Warlord. That's a pass. Still need to add those crossbows though...
Well, I painted up 2 units of Mounted Hearthguard, a Priest, a unit of bow armed Levy, plus a casualty marker and a mounted Warlord. That's a pass. Still need to add those crossbows though...
Reward - Pick up the SAGA 2nd Edition rules.
Done. And the source books.
HobbyResolution2018 - 7.5/16
Done. And the source books.
HobbyResolution2018 - 7.5/16
11 - Maintain Butcher's Guild being fully painted. (0/3 Models)
- Get the last 3 (current) models built and painted. It's 3 models.
One of them is a single piece. And it means my Guild is fully painted
and I can maybe look at starting one of the other ones in the backlog.
I got the bases done... Think after 2 years it's time to rehouse them off the workstation.
I got the bases done... Think after 2 years it's time to rehouse them off the workstation.
Reward - Pick up the Guildball Terrain pack from SFG. It'll make a change from flat mdf that I use for Warmahordes.
Good job I didn't pick up any new Guildball stuff, right?
HobbyResolution2018 - 7.5/16
Good job I didn't pick up any new Guildball stuff, right?
HobbyResolution2018 - 7.5/16
12 - Paint remaining Deathguard for Warhammer 40,000 (0/49 Models)
- This one is more for her benefit as she's keen to play, to the point
that when she picked up the latest edition, she swapped out the Primaris
Marines for more Deathguard and immediately gave them to me so that I'd
have an army. I managed to get one box worth finished last year, and
have the 2nd to work through, alongside a few extras like Deathshroud
Terminators, some of the Easy to build kits and the Limited Set, plus a
donated monopose Hellbrute and the Nurgle Daemon Prince from when it
first made the transition to Finecast.
Nope, they are still in the box, gathering spider webs.
Nope, they are still in the box, gathering spider webs.
- Probably pick up a Plagueburst Crawler as a nice centrepiece model (I
would have said Mortarion, but I'll save him for when I have a much
larger force)
Well, I've been handed all the Deathguard stuff from the Conquest magazine, so, that's actually added to the pile of shame. But I didn't buy it, so...
Well, I've been handed all the Deathguard stuff from the Conquest magazine, so, that's actually added to the pile of shame. But I didn't buy it, so...
HobbyResolution2018 - 7.5/16
13 - Paint Waiqar half of Runewars Miniatures Game Starter (0/26 Models)
- Picked this up last year to split with her because I loved the models
(part due to Battlelore V2) and got started on it, but that hit a
wall. Steve at CGG is trying to get it up and running again, so I
figure might as well get it tableworthy.
Did a little bit on them, but not enough to actually finish anything. Haven't seen the game being played, so, not sure if it is worth bothering with. Duffy was talking about getting into it, so, maybe?
Did a little bit on them, but not enough to actually finish anything. Haven't seen the game being played, so, not sure if it is worth bothering with. Duffy was talking about getting into it, so, maybe?
Reward - I'll probably pick up the Waiqar Infantry Command Unit Expansion, or, if I can find one cheap, a 2nd Core box.
Good job I didn't pick up any new Runewars stuff eh?
HobbyResolution2018 - 7.5/16
Good job I didn't pick up any new Runewars stuff eh?
HobbyResolution2018 - 7.5/16
14 - Paint a 15mm Hordes of the Things Army (13/14 Elements)
- It's one of those games that has been on my radar, probably because
of the amount of older grumpier gamers that wax lyrical about it,
although the cover kills it for me because it looks so 70's... but it
gets rolled out at the club every now and then, so, I figure it might be
something to get me playing people outside my usual group, and knock
some of the huge 15mm backlog down.
Well, I managed this one fairly easily, despite still not having played. A bit of confusion on my part meant I'd miscalculated the units/points, so I didn't do the 14 elements I had planned, but I did 13 worth 28AP, so still enough to have choice for a game.
Well, I managed this one fairly easily, despite still not having played. A bit of confusion on my part meant I'd miscalculated the units/points, so I didn't do the 14 elements I had planned, but I did 13 worth 28AP, so still enough to have choice for a game.
Reward - No idea.
HobbyResolution2018 - 8.5/16
HobbyResolution2018 - 8.5/16
15 - Paint a 75pt Warmahordes List (73/73 Models)
- I already have plenty of Circle and Minions table ready (I mean, I
still have huge backlogs of both, but...) Recently I made up a 2 list
competitive (for me) pairing for all 13 Factions, and spent the last of
my PG points picking up the models I needed to complete the Legion and
Grymkin pairs, along with one of the Trollblood ones. I am close to
having everything for the Retribution, Minions and Circle lists. I also
came into possession of the new Trencher army box for Cygnar... I
guess it would be nice to paint up a real Warmachine faction after
playing Hordes exclusively (demo games aside) for a few years, but I
think Cryx or Khador is more my style. So, contenders are Cygnar,
Grymkin, or the Blindwater side of Minions.
Well, I aced this early in the year, picking Grymkin, and then painting up 3 lists for Welsh Masters to go with the solitary Skin & Moans heavy warbeast I'd painted as a tester. Turns out I painted 226 points of Grymkin, plus 4 Warlocks.
Well, I aced this early in the year, picking Grymkin, and then painting up 3 lists for Welsh Masters to go with the solitary Skin & Moans heavy warbeast I'd painted as a tester. Turns out I painted 226 points of Grymkin, plus 4 Warlocks.
- This is a weird one, because the reward is gonna be part of the
project. Depending on what I choose, I'm either going to need to pick
up a few more models to finish a planned list, or a bunch or resin
bases, so, once I've chosen, I'll work on what I have and then pick up
the models/bases as required to finish the list.
I spent the last PG points I had on filling out a few of the things I was missing with the idea of continuing towards fully painted max FA with this. Not sure about a second Deathknell, but, time will tell...
HobbyResolution2018 - 9.5/16
I spent the last PG points I had on filling out a few of the things I was missing with the idea of continuing towards fully painted max FA with this. Not sure about a second Deathknell, but, time will tell...
HobbyResolution2018 - 9.5/16
16 - Paint the Hog Wild Malifaux box (6/6 Models)
- It always comes back to pigs doesn't it? I picked these up mainly
for the boars for the Marcus box I had, however, I reckon they'll be
more fun to do. Not to mention quicker.
Managed this one easily enough. Another win.
Managed this one easily enough. Another win.
Reward - No idea. A new Malifaux model?
Don't think I picked any Malifaux models up this year. Probably bought a new rulebook though.
HobbyResolution2018 - 10.5/16
Well, the results are in, a mighty 10.5/16 Resolutions completed. It's not amazing, but, it is a small step up from last year's 9.5/16. That being said, I managed a few things that weren't listed, so I'm happy all in all. Some highlights include -
Don't think I picked any Malifaux models up this year. Probably bought a new rulebook though.
HobbyResolution2018 - 10.5/16
Well, the results are in, a mighty 10.5/16 Resolutions completed. It's not amazing, but, it is a small step up from last year's 9.5/16. That being said, I managed a few things that weren't listed, so I'm happy all in all. Some highlights include -
- hitting a #hobbystreak of about 140 before real life kicked in.
- Painting a grand total of 378 miniatures this year (actually over 400 if I count the individual figures for the Hordes of the Things bases, but... it's already a big number, so I'm not that desperate) The fact I didn't lift a paintbrush for at least one entire month says a lot.
- Painting up a completely unplanned Draugr army for Fantasy SAGA/Blood Eagle/Fantasy Dark Ages gaming. Somewhere in the region of 70 models from a variety of manufacturers. It's a fairly dark and basic colour scheme, but it works as intended.
- the article I wrote about Scatter Terrain getting well over 1000 views. Was kinda taken aback by that.
- Clearing all the outstanding commissions (and getting and finishing more) from my workstation. Feels kinda weird, but I do have some stuff pencilled in for next year.
- Taking part in the Warmachine & Hordes World Team Championship and representing Scotland (maybe not the best representation, but I beat Tom Guan, so...)
- meeting a bunch of cool new people.
All in all, I'm happy with my results over the year, and a full of optimism for the upcoming one, just got to get a nightshift out the way, and I'll be back tomorrow with the new and improved #hobbyResolution2019 version.
All the best,
- Painting a grand total of 378 miniatures this year (actually over 400 if I count the individual figures for the Hordes of the Things bases, but... it's already a big number, so I'm not that desperate) The fact I didn't lift a paintbrush for at least one entire month says a lot.
![]() |
So some of the commissions and industry stuff has been posted out but... |
- Painting up a completely unplanned Draugr army for Fantasy SAGA/Blood Eagle/Fantasy Dark Ages gaming. Somewhere in the region of 70 models from a variety of manufacturers. It's a fairly dark and basic colour scheme, but it works as intended.
- the article I wrote about Scatter Terrain getting well over 1000 views. Was kinda taken aback by that.
- Clearing all the outstanding commissions (and getting and finishing more) from my workstation. Feels kinda weird, but I do have some stuff pencilled in for next year.
- Taking part in the Warmachine & Hordes World Team Championship and representing Scotland (maybe not the best representation, but I beat Tom Guan, so...)
- meeting a bunch of cool new people.
![]() |
Luke Borrie, Aussie Troll |
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I only vaguely remember seeing CFB at WTC... |
All in all, I'm happy with my results over the year, and a full of optimism for the upcoming one, just got to get a nightshift out the way, and I'll be back tomorrow with the new and improved #hobbyResolution2019 version.
All the best,
Very good result mate!
ReplyDeleteCheers dude. Still a long road to travel to make it big though.
DeleteA shed load of work there, but no mention of those delightful Oni you painted and even gamed with!
Well John, I posted about them a couple of weeks ago, so they are still relatively fresh. Plus they are tucked away in the picture of everything. We need to play more Daisho/Blood Eagle and I'll get more shots of them. Maybe a day at Common Ground sometime?
DeleteThat's an impressive amount of game related achievements, John, but tell me, are you really decanting all your GW and Foundry paints into dropper bottles? Why?
ReplyDeleteThat is the plan. Two reasons mainly, firstly, dropper bottles are thinner, so I can fit more on the paintstation, seeing as I had to put some in a drawer,and secondly, the Foundry paints are almost 20 years old, and whilst they are still good,the plastic tops have all started splitting, so, it makes life easier.
DeleteIn retrospect seems like a very good year after all. Lots of successes and stuff to be proud of and when dropping the ball the takeaway lessons are helpful moving forward. Let's see what accomplishments 2019 can bring. Here's to a fun and productive new year in and out of hobby.
ReplyDeleteYeah, can't complain on the whole, and I'm ready to rock 2019. Likewise dude, have a good 'un.
DeleteWell done you have had a good productive year dude. Hope 2019 is just as good!
ReplyDeleteCheers Simon. All the best for 2019 :)