Wednesday 3 January 2018

#workbenchwednesday 03/01/18

Woo, first Workbench Wednesday update and 3rd post of the year.  Strong start again (probably doomed to failure).

So, what's happening on the productivity front?

Got the Minotaur cleaned up, arm pinned on, gap filled and base textured.

Cleaned up the Magician, Riders, Shooters and Behemoth for Hordes of the Things, and sealed the bases for the Stronghold and Behemoth.  Got all the infantry glued to lolly sticks for priming, along with the riders pinned.   Hopefully can get them sprayed tomorrow, weather permitting, along with the last 2 Deathguard and the resin bases for the Guildball minis, as they will all be bone.

Got all 3 Guildball minis cleaned up, pinned, primed and inked.

Got the Northstar Barbarians and Reaper Ghoul cleaned up, assembled, bases textured, primed and inked.

Got the last 2 Malifaux models primed and inked, along with the 3 resin bases that still needed it.

I also put some time in yesterday to get some work done on Mike's Farrow, which is a long overdue project, and got most of the metals sorted on 6 warbeasts and a unit of Slaughterhousers.  Really want to make a good dent in this before touching any of my own stuff.  Mike is the just the best about this, super patient, and constantly telling me to keep painting my own stuff too, but I really need to get the finger out on this project, and to clear the other couple of jobs I have lined up.  Hopefully I can get the last few models of the army assembled soon, and just plough through them.

In other resolution news, still not picked what Warmahordes army 'll be doing this year.  It was going to be Cygnar, and it turns out I have enough resin bases for the list, even if I am missing about 8 models, but the imminent arrival of a Dracodile might see me return to Minions and get more of the untouched Blindwater stuff done.

That's all for now, only managed about 3 hours sleep after work, so probably going to be an earlyish night for me, so I doubt I'll get much more done, maybe clean up a few bases of Warband for HotT, or just painting the rocks on the resin bases.

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