Wednesday 31 January 2018

#workbenchwednesday 31/01/12 and Month in Review January 2018

Turns out this year that 3 months end on a Wednesday, meaning you (should) get a bumper post of my ramblings.  Lucky isn't the word...

Kicking things off with the compulsory workbench shot, got both Farrow units bases finished off, and got back to blocking in the base colours, Slaughterhousers already had a lot of work put into the metals, but I'll need to go back and tidy up a lot because technical paints and drybrushing is messy business.  Rear left shows that I've put together Nora from the upcoming Fallout Wasteland Warfare miniatures game, and rear left, Ulix has been inked and is awaiting layers and highlights to finish off my Malifaux crew.

Slaughterhousers, Nora, Ulix, Bone Grinders

After my late post last week, I got the Gatorman stuff primed and finished up the Wild Boars for the Hog Wild box, and following a really messed up sleeping schedule, managed to get a lot of time into the Gatormen over the course of the weekend.  Not sure exactly how long it was in all, a lot of time waiting for ink to dry, but I'd reckon somewhere between 12-15 hours in total for all 12 models.  Blindwalker being the worst offender, for having so many different areas.

Gatorman Posse, Blindwalker, Blackhide Wrastler, another Posse

Now, I don't "love" them, but they are growing on me.  I guess it stems from the whole make them as cheap, basic and quick as possible brief, and whilst I know I am far from being an amazing painter, I'd like to think I am at least a good painter, and it kinda kills me that I churned these out when I know I can do so much more.  However, they tick all the boxes for tabletop standard models, fully painted and based, arcs marked as required, 3 colours minimum (or all areas painted different colours for those who think the former is a fallacy), and whilst I could rattle out a lot of stuff to this level, I really don't think I could, at least, not for myself.  Turns out the fact it kills my soul means little to people, as I've already been asked about doing some Trenchers...

In comparison to the Gators, the Wild Boars probably took a similar amount of time, all that fur...  but I am a lot happier with them.  As usual, can't take pictures for toffee, so, you probably can't see a difference online.

Wild Boars - Hog Wild box

Gamewise, only played one game, a rematch of the Arkadius vs. Xerxes2 battle, swapping table sides and first turn.   I was severely hamstrung (see what I did there?) by terrain, but managed to grind out a 7-2 scenario win with a combined time of about 18 seconds on the clock.  The Arkadius feat double turn proved pivotal in removing the Siege Animantrax before it did any real damage, alongside 2 or 3 Archidons.   A forward placed Warhog forced Xerxes to move to one flank, as killing it would have shut down a decent assassination run, as I was camping 2 transfers, and would have picked up another 4 with it being killed.

In other hobby news, I assembled and primed the Ironskull's Boyz box for Shadespire that I picked up, and made a start on transferring some paints to dropper bottles with my old P3 inks and washes.

Also, this turned up.  Last years CMON kickstarter for Rising Sun.  Got the lot, and spent part of this afternoon sorting it all out.  Need to grab some extra sleeves for the cards, but should be good to go shortly, and will hopefully be a way to tick off another boardgame.

Oversized gameboard mat not pictured, as CBA unrolling it.

So, how was January overall then?   Pretty good I guess, kept up the #hobbystreak challenge for the entire month, I finished 26 models or elements in total, have approximately 35 WIP models on the workstation, played 7 games, transferred 8 paints, and surprisingly, kept the blog updated.  Full totals below.  Placeholder total for the Warmahordes list, still haven't figured that out, probably something I should set my mind to, seeing as WTC is a thing...

Amount Task Completed

517 Transfer Paint to dropper bottles 8 2%
1 Run April Fuel Daze 2018 0 0%
500 Make £500 selling old models 0 0%
61 Maintain Blog 5 8%
2 Go to 2 shows or conventions 0 0%
6 Play 6 New Opponents 1 17%
100 Play 100 Games 7 7%
6 Play 6 different Boardgames 2 33%
3 Play 3 New Games (or new editions) 0 0%
28 Paint 4+ points of Saga Normans 0 0%
3 Paint Guildball Butchers 0 0%
49 Paint remaining Deathguard 0 0%
26 Paint Waiqar starter for Runewars 0 0%
15 Paint 15mm army for HotT 3 20%
40 Paint 75pt Warmahordes list 0 0%
6 Paint Malifaux Crew 5 83%

That pretty much covers everything for now, off to York on Sunday so, probably have some new WIP models next week, or at least a confession about an enlarged lead backlog...



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