Wednesday 10 January 2018

#workbenchwednesday 10/01/18

Well, it has been a productive week.  Quick pic to begin with of the side of my desk, as all the stuff that was on it is done.  Ignore the 6mm beastmen, they are a hangover from last year, and I still have to find somewhere to move them to.

So, above we have, the Hog Wild Malifaux crew, plus some sweet Bases4War slate resin bases, Dr. Arkadius, a Razorback Crew, Razorboar, Bone Grinders and Slaughterhousers for Mike's army, my Broken Legions warband and a Minotaur, the remaining Butchers players for Guildball, the Shooter and Rider elements for Hordes of the Things, and a couple more Guildball minis for a friend.

Managed to get the bases spray primed for both Farrow infantry units, as well as having painted and varnished the Malifaux bases.   Started the metals on the Broken Legion models,after having done most of the base work.

In actual real progress, I finished up the 6 Farrow warbeasts, although I still have arcs to make on 2, and some blood effects to add to a few, mainly where they've had metal bolted into the flesh.

For myself, I completed the Magician, Behemoth and Stronghold elements for my Hordes of the Things army, just working away on them whilst waiting on washes and varnish drying on the Farrow.  I really like how the Behemoth turned out (I love the Reaper Bones Purple Worm, have about 3 now...) and I didn't bother highlighting it, as I felt it was clear enough to see, especially on a 2ft board.  I added some slime effects to the mouth, and dripping on the base, but I'll probably have to rework them once dry.  The Stronghold was fun, just 2 resin scenic pieces, but I've rediscovered my hatred of sand and gravel for basing (resin bases 4 life), and the Magician was a great wee tester, love how the glow came out around her eyes.

 Getting there Dave, might be on for a game before half the year is out.

In bad news, whilst looking for PVA glue, I unearthed a box of another 30 or so Foundry paints I had moved to make space, so, I'll have to add them to the tally...

So, that's it really, still on track with updates, and hit day 10 of the #hobbystreak movement.  I'll probably do some Broken Legions or Malifaux stuff next, then crack on with the Farrow infantry and the HotT bases.  I've also managed to reorganise a couple of shifts at work to get down to Vapnartak again with the club, which is always a good day out (even if I end up like a zombie).

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